Don't Delay... Deploy!

May 12, 2013

Last week I deployed my project to the world. I was happy to have done user testing before deploying. It showed me how users interacted with application and what was and wasn’t working. It turned out though that deploying my application was the best user test I could hope for.

Since deploying just 5 days ago, I have learned that:

  1. Users want to share their routes with others.
  2. Auto-complete helps people avoid mistakes.
  3. The application wasn’t working in all geographic areas.
  4. A license document should be included to define how collaborators can use and distrbute the software.

I have addressed these issues and they’ve been deployed, check it out. All these suggestions made me feel motivated to keep working on the project since it was nice to know that people cared enough about the project to offer their feedback (and pull requests!).

If you have a web app and are hesitant about deploying, define your minimum viable product then, once you meet that milestone, deploy! Just because it’s out there it doesn’t mean you need to stop developing. The feedback you will receive will only help you to make it better.

About me

I'm new to coding, having recently graduated from Hackbright Academy. Follow me and my continuing adventure into coding on twitter. Also, check out my most recent web app: Flattest Route to help you avoid steep hills in your travels.